
The profundity, of a gun, you see
is that it lives to take a life

The grotesqueness
of this mess is
I’m here with all of you…
and we’re screwed

Thank you for your service
you stinkin’ reservist
How long do we have to care? Stare at the repair

too little Too Late
but perhaps it’s just fate that caused my soul to ungulate

ever since mom and dad took me to protest a nasty bit of business

somewhere far away.

The former sergeant
in the bullet proof garment – of patriotic service
makes people nervous when he doth protest too loud…

and I will not be part of the crowd
so easily cowed…

Buffaloed even after it snowed
with information
that the demarcation

between the free and the brave had been made a slave to the NSA

Better pray
& pray
& pray
Only you and me can make tomorrow a better day.


I had been watching Jeff Smith, and I asked mom what frugal meant. She started off with synonyms that I also didn’t recognize. “It means not wasting.” Oh, right, I got it.


This went on for a while.

So, I keep my thermostat at 68, during the day. Thanks Jimmy. But I gotta be honest I haven’t recycled a bottle in years. Try a 25 cent refund, please.

Mom still clips coupons. Her thrift is driven by a sort of profoundly irrational sense of self interests. She is a hoarder of sorts. Not the type with newspapers stacked along the walls mind you. She’d suffer from the horror if she thought I was saying that. Mom is very tasteful and completely presentable. Mom hoards reserves for the future. Hoarding is a compulsive search for feelings of security.
The social implications of her choices are important to her. She really values frugality – as a social value as well as a personal one. It’s just that she would use her tea bags twice if she had a billion dollars in the bank – because you never know when you’ll need more than you have.


The child lives in the moment.

this leads to great freedom but also great selfishness

The adult has the benefit of perspective.

this manifests as wisdom but also great self consciousness

What freedom?  The freedom to create and explore

What selfishness?  The selfishness of one who does not know the wants and needs of others

What wisdom?  The wisdom of understanding born of patience

What self consciousness? The self consciousness born of fear and perceived judgement

… and perhaps the wisdom to balance them all?