Mental health is the degree to which a person, and the people around that person, feel that the person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, are appropriate for the environment they inhabit and the circumstances therein.
You can only herd cattle as long as you’ve got’em cowed. Shake your little grain bucket, and watch’em all crowd for a taste of corn.
How can I feel safe when life hurts and I will die?
feeling safe
The only way I know to rise above my baseness is to feel safe.
I can never be secure. Someday I will die.
I can only feel secure.
stock and livestock
A slave in my backyard feels dirty.
A slave ten thousand miles away feels like a new TV.
My new TV better not put my slaves in my living room.
A slave in the living room is nearly as bad as a slave in the backyard.
Better buy that slave in the living room some nice clothes so as not to offend me.
Who’ll make’em? Not me…
relative power
The weak venerate.
The strong emulate.
The great innovate, reciprocate, and initiate.
It rhymes so it must be true.
abdicating responsibility
Decorum is a poor substitute for thoughtfulness.
Rules are a crude brace for responsibility – a poor framework for the social contract.
Rules are shelter for those who don’t trust themselves and those unable or unwilling to protect themselves. We need rules only to restrain sociopaths and the mentally incompetent.
I am not an anarchist.
I am an organic socializer.
What do you think?
comfort food
Have you ever met a person who had an answer for everything? Or if not an answer, at least all the most philosophical questions. The sort of person who could sweep you up with them as they told you tales wonderful, terrible, uplifting, and foreboding? A person who you really wanted to believe in, and sometimes did.
A storyteller whose myths made the world safe – made you special.
Religion is a great seductress. Attributing qualities; ignoring rationalities. Religion is an explanation of the world as it pertains to its consumer.
Ever adaptable, religion evolves and contorts itself. The legitimacy of its interpretations resting on the shoulders of its lineage. And when truths of the past become inconvenient obstacles to the present, religion shifts, diverts, ignores, reinterprets.
Religion has a position. A perspective. Religion is not confused or wishy washy. Religion has answers. Religion is the sort of person you want to listen to, follow, emulate, knowing that you can never truly measure up.
Religion is aspirational and awe inspiring, but a great deceiver none the less.
the explainer
Have you ever met a person who had an answer for everything? Or if not an answer, at least all the most reasonable questions.
And they’re very polite about it. And very reasonable about it. And you really do believe that they know what they’re talking about. And you hate them anyway?
That’s Science!!!
Science is the spoiler in the room. Science wipes the lipstick off pigs and calls them pigs; pulls the shrouds from wizards and calls them hucksters. Science is the killer of miracles. It opens the universe up, and degrades the mystery with crass constructionism.
Science is the act of finding the greatest beauties of existence and stripping them naked to be shamed by their own simplicity.
Science is a traveler. Addicted, never sated. As soon as one land is found, cataloged, examined, and explained, Science is on to it’s next adventure.
Science is a priest, wrapped in the holy shroud of the self evident and intrinsic value of quantifiable understanding.
Science is the slow strangler of magic that makes all it describes vulgar.