
When I was little, I grew very fast.

I am full sized now, and my growth is now limited to emotional and behavioral not physical. I can hone or neglect my adult body, but I can not grow taller.

Growing a full size economy with stimulus is like growing a full sized person with food. the subject may get bigger, but probably not in a desirable way.

An economy need not be growing in size in order to be healthy. This is an economic perspective based on the childish belief that unlimited growth in a closed system is possible. An economy only needs to be dynamic to be healthy. Growth is a benchmark for healthy children. Dynamism and healthful behavior are much better indicators of adult health.

I write to America and Europe, in 2018. We may grow more, but I doubt it will be a healthful growth. It will be growth based on economic sugar and fat – a moment on the lips an eternity on the hips. We are full grown now. As an adult economy, we can only hope to remain healthy and vigorous for as long as possible.

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