I look in the mirror at this creature I inhabit, and I think, how strange that it should have been imagined with thick tufts of hair in odd places, over its eyes and on its head, odd thin bits on its arms and legs. It has only two legs to walk on. It’s arms manipulate the world around it in rare ways.
I move it through this world exploring creation through its limited mind and senses. I am barely aware of my own existence (so much so that I fear the end of our association). At times I can barely contain my fear of oblivion, as if such a thing were possible. Mostly I am able to pacify myself with explanations. Sometimes I just stare through the eyes baffled by the obvious like a drunk at a math test.
I talk to myself without recognizing myself. In “them” I perceive another.
It’s an absurd game, for sure, hiding myself from myself, walking through this world absorbed. It staves off the terror of eternity.